Arabs need to hear the Gospel

The Arab world encompasses the land where Christianity was born. However, the vast majority of people have little access to the gospel or a church in their community. Lighthouse Arab World focuses on people groups who have little opportunity to hear and understand the gospel. With a few exceptions, many cities and regions still have no Christian presence. Where there is a presence, the Church is often under pressure, and Christians experience persecution.


From the Arab World, To the Arab World, In the Arab World


We want our audience to see faces and voices that they recognize, that speak to them on a deep level. Our content is primarily in Arabic, written and produced by those with a passion to reach the Arab mind and Arab heart. Many on our team are not from a Christian background, creating a passion to reach out and disciple others like themselves. We use all aspects of media, but especially social media and even over the air secular television to connect with our Arabic audience and show them that being a Christian and participating in culture is possible.

Where we are

Our organization is headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon; yet we also have team members in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and the United States. Our goal is to create the highest quality content possible to eliminate unnecessary barriers to the message of Jesus Christ and the Bible.


We believe art can show the love of Jesus to everyone

Learn about our history ↓

2001 - 2012
2013 - 2019
Jun 2019
Dec 2019
Aug 2020
Nov 2020
Jun 2021
Jul 2023
Sep 2023

2001 - 2012

Lighthouse Arab World began in 2001 focused on North Africa, providing media and evangelism training, radio programs and streaming internet audio.

Image for Year 2013